Virtual Roundtable Event 6
Voices from the Field: Environmental Justice and Health
Friday, September 20, 2024, 9:00-10:00am via zoom
Laura Castro-Díaz, PhD | Assistant Professor of Environmental Justice, UMass Boston
Mariangelí Echevarría-Ramos
Climate Resilience Manager, Mystic River Watershed Association
Oliver Sellers-Garcia
Green New Deal Director, Office of Mayor Michelle Wu Commissioner of the Environment Department City of Boston
Latinx communities are heavily impacted by climatic events, many influence health outcomes. The “Voices from the Field” conversation, co-sponsored by the Latinx Knowledge Hub and the Sustainable Solutions Lab at UMass Boston, will focus on better understanding how environmental justice community efforts and health are interconnected.
Virtual Roundtable Event 5
Voices from the Field: Unpacking Food Security: Identifying Root Causes and Solutions
Friday, March 8, 2024, 9:00-10:00am via zoom
Germán Chiriboga | UMass Chan Medical School
Ashley Carter
Farmers Market Program Coordinator
Mari Gonzalez
Executive Director
El Buen Samaritano Food Program Inc. (EBS)
Catalina Lopez
Vice President of Engagement
Project Bread
Virtual Roundtable Event 4
Voices from the Field: Engaging Youth in Health Equity Work at the Community Level
Friday, November 17, 2023, 10:30-11:30am via zoom
Raquel Castro Corazzini | Director of the Division of Youth Opportunities | City of Worcester.
Celina E. Miranda, PhD
Executive Director, Hyde Square Task Force
Topic: Jóvenes en Acción/Youth in Action
María A. Juncos-Gautier, PhD
Executive Director, Latino Education Institute, Worcester State University
Topic: Health Ambassadors and Promotoras de Salud Programs
Adán Colón-Carmona, PhD
Professor of Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston, Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy
Topic: Youth Wellness Corps for Health Equity
Helina Almonte
Teaching Artist, University of Massachusetts Boston student
Topic: Artivism: Empowering Youth Voices
Virtual Roundtable Event 3
Voices from the Field: The Opioid Crisis in Latinx Communities in Massachusetts
March 3, 2023, at 9am via zoom
Sarimer Sánchez, MD, MPH
Medical Director, Infectious Diseases Bureau, Boston Public Health Commission
Soloe M. Dennis, MS, MEP
Director City of Worcester Division of Public Health
Join experts and practitioners examining the growing opioid crisis among Latinx communities in Massachusetts. Gain understanding about the scope and breadth of this challenge.
Overview of the opioid crisis in Latinx Communities and describe efforts that are being undertaken to tackle this crisis
What are some of the challenges in accessing services for individuals from diverse Latinx communities?
How have you approached data collection to demonstrate impact?
What do we need to tackle the crisis at the local, state and national levels?
Virtual Roundtable Event 2
Voices From The Field: COVID-19 and Social Emotional Wellbeing Among Latinx Communities
April 29, 2022
Moderated by Dr. Lorna Rivera, Director Gastón Institute.
Celeste Atallah-Gutierrez, PhD
Psychologist | Academia Muñiz/ Margarita Muñiz Academy | Boston Public Schools
Eric Roldan, LICSW
Director of Outpatient Services | Open Sky Community Services
Gonzalo Bacigalupe, EdD
Professor | College of Education and Human Development | UMass Boston
Join experts and practitioners examining the growing crisis in social and emotional wellbeing among Latinx communities in Massachusetts. Gain understanding about the scope and breadth of challenge and promising strategies.
How is the Latinx population experiencing social emotional wellness challenges? What are important indicators to consider?
What are some of the short-and-long term impacts?
Are there sustainable and long-term solutions to address these impacts?
What are some special considerations for Latinx youth in this area?
Virtual Roundtable Event 1
Voices From the Field: Latinx and COVID-19 in Urban Massachusetts
February 4, 2022
Moderated by Dr. Lorna Rivera & Germán Chiriboga
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Domenica Perrone, Project Manager - Department of Health and Human Services, City of Worcester. >> View presentation
Krystal G. Garcia, Director of Policy and Research, Office Health and Human Services (HHS), City of Boston
Rodolfo R Vega, Senior Consultant, JSI, President, Board of Directors, Lynn Community Health Center
Sarimer Sanchez, MD MPH, Bureau Director, Infectious Diseases Bureau, Boston Public Health Commission
Join health researchers, and community leaders to examine lessons learned across communities and sectors that can help improve outcomes for Latinx communities in Massachusetts.
How effectively have the vaccination campaigns reached Latinx communities?
How can we amplify the use of evidence-based strategies and data driven decision-making to combat the pandemic and equitably allocate resources?
How have the shifting policy mandates impacted Latinx?
We thank our generous funders: Latino Equity Fund @ The Boston Foundation