Events 2025
Virtual Roundtable Event 7
Voices from the Field: Housing & Health in Latinx Communities of Massachusetts
Friday, February 14th, 2025, 9:00-10:00am via zoom
Fabian Torres-Ardila | Associate Director of the Mauricio Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development & Public Policy
Bianca Ortiz-Wythe
Latino Policy Analyst
Alex Corrales
Worcester Housing Authority
Joe Aponte
The Neighborhood Developers
Lewis Finfer
MassAction for Justice
Sowmya Balachandran
Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Community Development, School for the Environment at UMass Boston
Topics of discussion:
The Latinx Knowledge Hub at UMass Boston invites you to a discussion focused on the intersection of housing and health in Latinx communities across Massachusetts. This webinar will bring together community leaders, health experts, and housing advocates to explore how housing affordability, stability, and environmental factors shape the health outcomes of Latinx residents.
How housing insecurity impacts physical and mental health in Latinx communities.
The barriers Latinx residents face in accessing safe, affordable housing and health resources.
Community-driven strategies addressing these interconnected challenges and promoting long-term health and stability.
Policy recommendations to improve housing and health outcomes at the local, state, and national levels.
Latinx communities are heavily impacted by climatic events, many influence health outcomes. The “Voices from the Field” conversation, sponsored by the Latinx Knowledge Hub at UMass Boston, will focus on better understanding how environmental justice community efforts and health are interconnected.